Thursday, March 3, 2011

Kj's are my friend

Welllllll. Who knew that I would end up having little time to update my blog? Life happens, and time runs short. But here I am, true to my original pact, writing these words for you to read.

I have been on this 'lifestyle change' now for 4 weeks. A few kilos down, and several centimetres shed. This is the struggle part. Over the initial excitement, and now dreading that this is going to be a reallllyyyyy long road. I am pleased to say that the support from my family and friends has been amazing. And my previous blog really stands out for me "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels". Whilst I have no expectations of ever being 'thin' (or unhealthy), I do think this is a good motto to live by.  Another good quote I recently read was "Why can't I get a little ahead instead of a bigger behind?". This was on a magnet at the post office and I just HAD to buy it. :D

The biggest news is that I am on holidays as of NOW. I am really going to try and remain faithful to this life change whilst I am away. Sure, I will treat myself to a burger one night, maybe with a side of fries. But it's my holiday and that's my treat. But for the remainder of the time, I will be making healthy choices wherever possible, and walking at least once a day. Fresh air, sunshine, sand between toes, cool seawater breezes... I mean who wouldn't want to savour that with a nice walk??

My dietitian recently told me I should be looking at eating meals that contain between 1000 and 1500 kj's for dinner. This has astounded me. Not so much the fact that that figure is my aim, but what actually contains these amounts of kj. For example. One Woolworths Blueberry muffin (yes, 1), contains 1800 kj!... 1800!  Now that is ridiculous. I could eat one muffin for dinner, and completely blow my entire meal!! And softdrinks... some contain around 600kj just for one glass full! Since then my eyes always avert to the 'fact label' of foods, because it constantly astounds me how many kj's there are in certain foods! I am much more conscious of what is going into my mouth now. And this is a real lifestyle change. A long term change. Can I get a hooray-for-me??!!

Anyway folks. I am signing off for a little while for some peace, relaxation, sun, surf, family and fun. Stay tuned for a report card when I return. I am aiming for an A+!

1 comment:

  1. Kj's are your friend even on holidays.
    Hooray for you....I know how hard you have been trying and what exercise you are doing, so keep up the very good work.
    Yes, it's a long road, but so is life!
    Love you lots and Dad and I are very proud of you!
    Mum xx
