Thursday, February 10, 2011

Chug, Chug

Yes I am still chugging along! Day 6 of the new ME and I am feeling good!

The first 5 days were a challenge. You see, my house was still full of naughty foods! Chips, sweet biscuits, fatty cheese, butter, milk, OH MY, frozen chips, sausage rolls, pies, OH MY! Oh lordy.... and I am not one to waste! So it has been a tough week trying to fit some of these naughty items into my nice diet whilst still remaining healthy.  On Sunday evening, I had ordered a large grocery shop online that was being delivered Thurs (today), so the food in the house had to stretch until then. Last night was particularly tough so I caved.... in a good way! Craig and Soph had a meat pie and chips that was dug out of the freezer, whilst I bought a healthy noodle/chicken/veg stirfry from the local noodle bar. It was yummy, and I even prefer it over the pie/chips! (I would never make a good footy fanatic).

Finally, my delivery came and our kitchen is now stocked with healthy snacks, loads of fruit/veg and plenty of ingredients to make some delicious meals! HURRAH!  I think tomorrow night I will give a new recipe I found in my mother's healthy diet/diebetic cook book a crack - Vegie, Salmon, and Pasta bake! YUMMMMMMMMMM! My husband has already begun mentioning his excitement to try it! (insert Sarcasm).  Another fantastic note is that the dietitian said that Sophia is now old enough to eat/drink Light Cheese, Skim Milk and Diet Yoghurt! Which means I am not having to buy full fat for her and low fat for me (and hesitant hubby). Yay!

Do not ask me about the exercise bike. Major fail. BUT, tomorrow I am going to put on my sweats and singlet and whilst Sophia sleeps peacefully on her comfy mattress, I will be working up a workout sweat!!

As a parting gift, I thought I might share with you my motivation for today.....  =D 


  1. You go girl! Loving your blogs BIG TIME!
    Mum xx

  2. Good work sista!!
    Did you phone the squash courts? Maybe we could do that on a Tuesday morning each week instead of eating cakes/biscuits for morning tea?
    PS Cutie pie-ootie!!
